Artist Guidelines
Boonton Arts is calling all artists to participate in the 2022 Dog Days of Summer project! We invite you to become a part of this exciting public art project. This is our 10th year showcasing your talents to support animals in need and the arts. The stage for your creation will be Main Street, Boonton, NJ for the entire summer. The exhibit is viewed by thousands and serves as a great way for artists to gain recognition. Both sponsors and artists will be promoted in print and social media, at events, and on public display with their sculpture!
Artists wishing to participate will create colored sketches of their designs for a fiberglass or poly-resin dog or cat. You may choose from any of the breeds. Templates can be downloaded and printed at www.BoontonArts.org. There is a set amount of base dog and cat forms ordered, so you may be asked to create your design on a different breed. Creating a design for both large and small sized breeds is also recommended. Artists are free to illustrate any concept they would like to, but should consider that their design needs to be a clear representation of what your sculpture would look like if a sponsor were to choose it and be appropriate for public display. Designs that are executed more professionally tend to be favored more by sponsors so put your best foot forward with your design.
Artists also have the opportunity to create a dog or cat from scratch if they would prefer, rather than using a blank fiberglass/poly-resin dog or cat. The submission process for the DIY dog or cats would be the same as for the fiberglass/poly-resin dogs or cats. A concept drawing and a proposal would need approval from Boonton Arts. DIY design proposals and examples are due no later than February 22, 2022.
Completed designs (limited to 3 submissions per artist) need to be submitted to the “Boonton Arts Dog Days of Summer” Committee for the selection process by February 22, 2022. Any submitted after the due date are at risk of not being chosen by a sponsor. Once the design has been approved by the committee, you will be invited to the Dog Days of Summer Sponsorship Reception where sponsors will select designs. The reception will be held on March 4, 2022, at Speakeasy Art Gallery in Boonton, NJ. Finalists will be announced by March 2022 and the forms will be distributed.
Sculptures will be ready for pick up at Speakeasy Art Gallery after the sponsor party. Artists have about 2 months to bring their design to fruition. In appreciation of the time invested, materials used, and the talents you will donate, artists will receive a 33% share of the adoption portion of the donation received. The remaining net will be divided among Boonton Arts projects and NorthStar Pet Rescue. Artists who create a DIY dog or cat from scratch will receive a 50% share of the amount of the adoption portion received.
Selection & Approval Process
1) The “Boonton Arts Dog Days of Summer” committee will review all submission packages for inclusion in the project.
2) Designs approved by the committee will be presented to the sponsors for consideration at the Sponsor Party and Artists Reception. The sponsor will make a final selection of the design and notify Boonton Arts.
3) All artists will be informed when their design has been selected by a sponsor.
4) Sculptures must be completed and dropped off by the due date of May 8th, 2022! If the sculptures are returned past the due day date there is no guarantee that the sculpture will be included in this year's exhibit.
Please submit the following by February 22, 2022:
☑ Artist Agreement (signed)
☑ Copyright Agreement (signed)
☑ Up to 3 color sketches created from Dog and/or Cat templates
☑ Register and submit designs, artist, and copyright agreements online at
or mail or drop off to Speakeasy Art Gallery at 816 Main Street, Boonton, NJ 07005
please email info@boontonarts.org to make an appointment for drop off.